-Love Inspired Suspense Author-
Tammy Johnson
Where Faith, Danger & Romance collide...
If you’ve ever met her, you might have a hard time believing Tammy was a shy child. She grew up as a pastor’s kid, which meant moving from one small Kansas town to another. Making friends was difficult so she spent most of her time creating stories in her mind. In all of those imaginings, the heroines were always strong, brave and all the things she never thought she could be.
Years of growing and learning of God’s love taught her she could be all things she imagined, and so could the heroine’s in her written stories. Tammy enjoys writing edgy characters who find strength in their faith to face their most terrible fears.
Tammy's two biggest dreams were being a mother and becoming a Harlequin author. After raising four children and homeschooling them until high school, she was able to devote more time to pursue the writing dream. On July 2, 2014, Tammy received ‘the call’ through her participation in the online pitch event, KillerVoices, and became a Love Inspired Suspense author.